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Blankets for Kazh Du

Emaciated, infested with fleas, with eye ulcers: Kazh Du was found in a pitiful condition...
photo association
Blankets for Kazh Du
Emaciated, infested with fleas, with eye ulcers: Kazh Du was found in a pitiful condition...

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Emaciated, infested with fleas, with eye ulcers: Kazh Du was found in a pitiful condition...

1. She was starving and in a dreadful state!

Kazh Du is a three-year-old cat that we took in a month ago. The poor thing was found outdoors, eating bird seeds because she was so hungry.

Skinny and covered in fleas, she had ulcers around her eyes. So we cared for her, and placed her in a foster home until she could be adopted.

2. Blankets would help her continue to recover in comfort

Blankets would provide Kazh Du with a secure and comfortable resting space, essential for her recovery. Besides regulating her body temperature, these blankets would create a refuge that would protect her from surrounding stress, contributing positively to her recovery and overall well-being.

3. We don’t have the resources to buy suitable food for the cats most in need...

Our association is facing a critical situation, with about forty animals outdoors and 30 indoors that need care and attention.

As our stocks of kibble start to run out, we are stepping up our in-store collection initiatives. But this doesn't enable us to collect the specific food some of our moggies need...



Association L'arche Querrienoise
29310 Querrien
FR France

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