Poor Dead Shot is having trouble keeping condition...
192 cans
192 cans
Manx is a three-year-old cat, found on the street with his tail ripped off. We don't know what happened to him (accident, abuse, bite, etc.) but since then, poor Manx has been incontinent and very often suffers from diarrhoea...
Canned food designed for intestinal problems could soothe Manx's diarrhoea. By supporting his intestinal area to regenerate, such a diet would allow him to absorb nutrients more effectively. Regulating his intestinal issues would also help manage his incontinence.
Our association is in a difficult financial situation, with a veterinary debt of several thousand pounds, accumulated last year. We have focused our efforts on finding funding to clear this debt, while having the responsibility of feeding nearly 314 cats, of which 80 are stray cats!
Without forward reserves, daily management and the purchase of special food for the most vulnerable animals has become particularly complicated. And inflation is only making things worse…