Oops was at risk of being sent to the slaughterhouse...
288 cans
288 cans
Tahar is a 7 months old kitten, who we have taken in along with his sister. He exhibits mild ataxia, which affects his mobility. He has a wobbly gait, struggles to jump, falls over easily, and gets tired more quickly than his peers…
Canned food could be beneficial for Tahar. Such a diet would provide him with the nutrients he needs to regain energy and improve his fitness. This would give him the strength to overcome the challenges of his everyday life!
Our association, still in its early stages, already hosts a dozen animals and provides for the feeding of 35 free roaming cats spread over four sites.
Every day, we must undertake a round trip of nearly 35 km to feed them! With no current subsidies, our resources are very limited, which is why we are seeking your help…