Poor Annette was found outside, significantly weakened...
It is always a huge disappointment to see a campaign fail, it means that the concerned animals will not receive any help. Unfortunately, we can not ship incomplete campaigns.
We want to maximize the help we are all bringing to the animals in distress. Our campaign goals are calculated to balance our storage, delivery and manufacturing costs of the offered products.
Delivering failed campaigns would generate too many costs, which would eventually lead to the bankruptcy of the website and leave all the animals that we could have helped alone...
The delivery of unfinished campaigns is also physically impossible for some products (if only 50% of a kennel is financed: we can not cut it in half).
Our activity is regulated by the french tax law, it forbides us to transfer money instead of the advertised product (article L 548-1 of the Monetary and Financial Code).
For this reason, when a campaign fails, donations are immediately refunded. If they want to, donors can send this money directly to the association.
Our activity is regulated by the french tax law, it forbides us to use the money for anything else than the original use announced in the campaign (article L 548-1).
So, unfortunately, we are not allowed to transfer donations from a campaign to another.
Free clicks are saved before being reallocated to other campaigns (free clicks being immaterial, they are not submited to the same obligations than financial donations).
This campaign failed, it won't be delivered... Collected quantities have been cancelled (payments have been transfered back and free clicks have been saved in a stock).
0 cans
256 cans
Shakira is an elderly cat, who has a calicivirus and sadly lives outdoors. The inflammation inside her mouth is causing her pain, which makes chewing on kibble painful, even impossible…
Canned food specially designed for senior cats could provide Shakira with a pain-free nutritional solution. Easier to swallow than kibble, the pate would allow her to feed without difficulty. She could then take in the nutrients her body needs to live outdoors.
Our association is facing significant challenges. We have to neuter and feed about forty outdoor cats, as well as around thirty in foster care!
Recent veterinarian expenses for 19 neutering procedures have hit our budget hard. We’ve reached a point where we're considering stopping our interventions due to lack of sufficient funding…