Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 28/05/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Chaussette

Abandoned with mange, Chaussette's ears were beginning to necrotise!
photo association
Canned food for Chaussette
Abandoned with mange, Chaussette's ears were beginning to necrotise!

256 cans

256 cans

Abandoned with mange, Chaussette's ears were beginning to necrotise!

1. Her ears were necrosing...

Sock is a five-year-old female cat, who was abandoned on our doorstep. The poor thing had a severe case of mange, and she scratched so much that her ears started to necrose!

2. Canned food would give her valuable energy

Canned cat food would provide Sock with the daily strength she needs. It would offer her healthy and easy-to-digest nutrition, alongside a treatment to heal her ears. This could be her chance to regain energy, and recover her condition!

3. We are facing increasingly difficult challenges...

We are currently caring for about 95 animals. Unfortunately, our association is faced with escalating obstacles: the number of disabled animals requiring specific care is increasing, while donors' financial resources are limited...

And as the cost of living has also significantly increased, things are unlikely to improve anytime soon!

Association Dans les yeux de Leo
341 chemin de la Megre
13105 Mimet
FR France

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