Animal Webaction
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We can't let these 150 street cats starve!

SOS! In Marseille, Ghislaine has almost run out of kibble to feed the 150 free cats who need it... the poor things risk starving to death!
photo association
We can't let these 150 street cats starve!
SOS! In Marseille, Ghislaine has almost run out of kibble to feed the 150 free cats who need it... the poor things risk starving to death!

1,000 kg
Dry food offered

1,000 kg
Dry food necessary

1. In France, Ghislaine no longer has kibble to feed the 150 stray cats that rely on her... The poor things risk starving to death!

"I feed 150 cats, spread across about ten different sites. I've already been rationing them for some time, and I'm going through my last stocks of kibble - in a few days, there will be nothing left! 

Some cats are crying because they're not full, especially the younger and sicker ones. Others are fighting or going off in search of food and putting themselves in danger. They're thin and weakened, so many have ended up catching cat flu... Without kibble, the situation is going to become even more catastrophic!"

2. Due to lack of aid and donations, the association is on the brink of ruin!

"We don't receive any aid or subsidies. Donations are so rare that I have to use all my personal funds to finance the food and care... but it's not enough, because I have very little means!

What's more, kitten season has started - litters of babies and pregnant females are arriving... The vet bills keep piling up. Without your help, the association risks going under!"

3. Old and sick, poor Chaton is at the end of his rope!

"Chaton is a stray cat around 10 years old who hasn't been doing well for some time. He's lost a lot of weight and is very tired because of a bad case of cat flu. 

His eyes are running, his nose is stuffed up, he's drooling and he spends all his time sneezing! The poor thing won't make it if we don't have any kibble left to give him..."

4. Ghislaine isn't asking for money, she only needs kibble to prevent the street cats from starving to death.

"With my tiny income, I no longer have the means to take care of the cats and pay my utility bills like gas and electricity. It's been three months now that I haven't had any money for my personal expenses!

Donations have never been as low as this year... I'm very worried about the future of the association and the stray cats that rely on us. We'll never be able to keep going if things continue like this!"

5. Animal Webaction can deliver kibble to help the association's cats!

6. Campaigns launched on Animal Webaction often fail. 

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Sending kibbles

The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf


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Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years

Association Les Chats-Pitresdelavi-Ste
33 rue de la Largade
n°463 / 1er étage
13015 Marseille
FR France

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