Incontinence, thinness, missing teeth: Isis needs suitable tinned food!
200 kg
Pellets offered
200 kg
Pellets necessary
Blue is a 16-year-old draft horse. When he was only four months old, he was to be sent to the slaughterhouse! We took him in, to save him from such a fate.
Being of a large size, Blue needs a lot of food to keep in shape and maintain a good health. Pellets would be ideal to meet his nutritional needs, and provide him with all the nutrients he requires!
With the arrival of the big freeze, we were faced with major challenges. Most of our animals are ageing and have been weakened by the temperatures. Pellets would allow us to supplement their feeds to boost their strength!
Financing their care and support sadly does not leave us with enough budget to purchase pellets. This is why we are asking for your help!