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Canned food for Yoko

Repeated ear infections, curled ears, chronic calicivirus: Yoko has a whole host of health issues!
photo association
Canned food for Yoko
Repeated ear infections, curled ears, chronic calicivirus: Yoko has a whole host of health issues!

256 cans

256 cans

Repeated ear infections, curled ears, chronic calicivirus: Yoko has a whole host of health issues!

1. He suffers from chronic ear infections...

Yoko is a 14-year-old cat who we rescued from a shelter. He had suffered from repeated ear infections, causing his ears to twist completely! He was also suffering from a dermatitis issue, which we've now treated.

2. He has almost no teeth left due to a calicivirus!

Having a chronic calicivirus led to Yoko suffering from severe gum inflammation. The vet had to relieve him of most of his teeth. As a result, he can no longer chew...

3. With canned food, he could get better

Healthy, high-quality canned food would provide Yoko with an appropriate diet that is easy for him to digest. Having access to such nutrition daily could help strengthen his immune system, enabling him to resist illness and to be in better shape.

4. We are in the red!

Recently, our association participated in an emergency rescue of cats from a home where the owner had Noah's syndrome.

Apart from the usual cats we look after, we have a lot of new animals to take care of... It’s too much for our limited resources!

Association Les chats de l'Indifférence
340 rue de la Chaussiette
59163 Condé-sur-l'Escau
FR France

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