Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 06/06/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Brume

Inflamed and painful gums, tooth extraction... Brume has gingivostomatitis!
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Canned food for Brume
Inflamed and painful gums, tooth extraction... Brume has gingivostomatitis!

256 cans

256 cans

Inflamed and painful gums, tooth extraction... Brume has gingivostomatitis!

1. She can't chew anymore...

Brume is a five-year-old cat, suffering from a gum disease called gingivostomatitis. Her gums are so inflamed, to such a degree that it was necessary to remove all her teeth to alleviate her pain. She is now unable to eat dry food since she cannot chew it...

2. Canned food would let her eat without any difficulty

Canned cat food could provide Brume with an easy to swallow source of nutrition, despite her lack of teeth. Rich in essential nutrients, such a diet would help her regain her strength, despite the illness.

3. We don’t have any subsidies!

Our association, active since January 2020, quickly found itself in charge of a hundred cats, without any subsidies. A significant part of my own wages is invested straight back into animal welfare!

We also organise food drives, in an attempt to meet the needs of our cats. Most of them are not suitable for adoption and need medical attention, which entails extra costs...

Association Association Misty Pépère
3 impasse des Rouges Gorges
33500 Arveyres
FR France

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