Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 27/05/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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We cannot let the dogs cared for by Nassima and Rachid at the shelter and on the streets starve to death!

Urgent! In Morocco, Nassima and Rachid are almost out of kibble to feed their shelter's dogs and those they care for in the streets: they are going to starve!
photo association
We cannot let the dogs cared for by Nassima and Rachid at the shelter and on the streets starve to death!
Urgent! In Morocco, Nassima and Rachid are almost out of kibble to feed their shelter's dogs and those they care for in the streets: they are going to starve!

1,500 kg
Dry food offered

1,500 kg
Dry food necessary

Participate in confidence

Animal Webaction visited the site 19 May 2024 and confirms the situation described below.

1. In Morocco, Nassima and Rachid are almost out of kibble to feed the many dogs they care for in their shelter and on the street. They will starve to death if no one intervenes!


"Our kibble stock is almost gone! We have only one bag left... At the shelter, we have already been rationing portions as much as possible for over a week. On the streets, we can only distribute food scraps, twice a week at best.

At the shelter, the atmosphere is tense due to hunger, and the dogs are aggressive. On the streets, the dogs have lost weight, they are thin... and they no longer hesitate to fight violently over a piece of bread. It's simple, without kibble, we are unable to protect them!"

2. Fights will get out of hand without kibble... Nassima fears the dogs will kill each other! 


"Without a new stock of kibble, fights will multiply and become uncontrollable, both at the shelter and on the streets. Some dogs will bear consequences... Others might lose their lives!

This prospect worries me deeply. Losing one of our protégés after so much effort to heal and give them a new chance would be a shock, an immense loss...

I fear that the situation will totally degenerate. How will we manage such violence? The dogs will waste away, fighting to the death out of pure survival... A real nightmare for them and for us!"

3. Nassima and Rachid are worn out and out of resources: they can no longer feed the dogs!


"Despite all my efforts, I can't get any kibble. Calls for donations, flyers, selling items... Nothing works! People can't afford it at the moment.

I tried negotiating with pet stores, to no avail. They can't make in-kind donations given the economic situation. As for charitable associations, they are overwhelmed with requests and are severely lacking in funds.

All these efforts have only led to setbacks... It's very, very hard. I don't know how to feed my dogs anymore... One thing is certain, I won't be able to do it without help!"

4. Nassima and Rachid aren't asking for money, only kibble to keep the dogs from starving. 


"Without this kibble, our field actions are completely paralyzed. Our awareness campaigns in schools to educate young people about animal respect must stop. Just like our sterilization programs aimed at sustainably regulating the stray population.

Our rounds of surveillance and feeding in the neighborhoods become limited, even impossible. The same goes for our care and rehabilitation activities for injured or abused dogs.

Without kibble, all these actions that forge our daily fight for a society more respectful of the animal cause are crushed!"

5. Nassima, Rachid, and Muriel struggle daily to provide a safe haven for abused dogs.


"I fight every day to offer a worthy and secure shelter to these dogs who have suffered so much. With Rachid and Muriel, we founded this haven of peace out of pure love for animals. We dedicate our time, energy, salaries... Everything to change mentalities and prove that animals deserve to live with dignity as much as humans.

But it's a constant battle, full of obstacles. The lack of resources, the misunderstanding of part of the population... Sometimes, discouragement knocks at our door. That's why your support is vital to allow us to continue. Every donation, every gesture counts to bring some comfort to these wounded souls."

6. If this campaign succeeds, Nassima and Rachid will not receive any money, but 1500 kg of kibble, delivered from Animal Webaction's logistics centre in Morocco.

Animal Webaction has a logistics centre in Morocco, which enables us to intervene quickly and deliver kibble everywhere in the country.

7. Campaigns launched on Animal Webaction often fail...

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When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products, the beneficiary does not receive anything and the buyers are refunded.

8. In Morocco, donors are scarce, and there are no foundations or subsidies. It is very difficult to find funding for kibble, many dogs remain starving in the streets!


If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Nassima, please invite them to contact us, so that we can put them in touch.

If you represent a foundation or an NGO for animal welfare, please help Nassima's dogs, contact us and we will put you in touch!

If you would like to visit Nassima's shelter to offer help, or if you would like to send her some kibble or a cheque directly, contact her via her association's Facebook page (note: direct help is done on your own responsibility).

9. If you make a purchase on Animal Webaction, it will be protected by our guarantees.

Safe payment

100% safe payment via Paypal or credit card

Verified action

We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter


Sending kibbles

The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf

Delivery tracking

We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures

Satisfied buyers

Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews)


Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years

Association 4 Pattes Mogador
299 rue Tata Borj 1
Réseau associatif Caravane Amis de Mogador
44000 Essaouira
MA Maroc

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