Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 06/06/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Salem

Suffering from cat flu, Salem hasn't grown normally and has a significant growth delay!
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Canned food for Salem
Suffering from cat flu, Salem hasn't grown normally and has a significant growth delay!

288 cans

288 cans

Suffering from cat flu, Salem hasn't grown normally and has a significant growth delay!

1. Her growth has been hindered by a severe virus...

Salem is a cat barely a year old, with the size of a two-and-a-half-month-old kitten. Affected by chronic cat flu, her eyes constantly water and she cannot grow normally...

2. Canned food could improve her health

Special kitten formulated canned food could provide Salem with a highly vitamin-rich and nutrient-filled source of nourishment.

Such a diet could help her gain weight, while supporting her immune system to fight the disease more effectively!

3. We don't receive any grants or funding!

Our organisation, active since January 2020, quickly found itself looking after hundreds of cats, with no grant or subsidy. A significant part of my salary is devoted to animal welfare!

We also organise food drives to try to meet the needs of our resident cats. Most are not fit for adoption and require special care, which brings additional costs...

Association Association Misty Pépère
3 impasse des Rouges Gorges
33500 Arveyres
FR France

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