Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 01/07/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Oscar

Severely injured on a leg, Oscar is limping and can no longer either run or jump!
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Canned food for Oscar
Severely injured on a leg, Oscar is limping and can no longer either run or jump!

256 cans

256 cans

Severely injured on a leg, Oscar is limping and can no longer either run or jump!

1. He carries the scars of an accident...

Oscar is a five-year-old cat who was found injured on a road three years ago. Despite receiving care for his broken leg, he still limps and has a fragile body structure that prevents him from running or jumping. His condition requires constant attention to prevent any further deterioration...

2. Canned food would help maintain his health

Canned food for cats would allow Oscar to regain his strength in a healthy way. It would help him maintain proper nutrition despite his difficulties moving around, while also supporting his overall health, which is undermined by his lack of physical activity.

3. Most of the cats we look after don’t appeal to potential adopters...

Our association currently has about forty cats in foster care, and we feed a hundred more outside every day. Many of these cats can't be adopted due to their health conditions.

We therefore commit to taking care of them and providing necessary care, which presents an ongoing challenge in terms of resources and funding...

Association Chats Grains d'Amour
17 impasse des sangliers

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