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Canned food for Mamanoune

Suffering from urinary stones, Mamanoune needs suitable canned food!
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Canned food for Mamanoune
Suffering from urinary stones, Mamanoune needs suitable canned food!

192 cans

192 cans

Suffering from urinary stones, Mamanoune needs suitable canned food!

1. She has had significant urinary problems...

Mamanoune is an eight-year-old cat who had Typhus a year ago. She then disappeared for several months before being found again in a critical state. She was immobile and meowing in pain.

The vet diagnosed her with a severe urinary infection (she eventually eliminated a stone) and prescribed her treatment.

2. Canned food would allow her to regain strength in a healthy manner

Canned paté specially designed for cats suffering from urinary oxalate stones could benefit Mamanoune by supporting her urinary health.

Such diet would help maintain the pH of her urine, minimising the formation of new stones, and it's enjoyable enough to encourage her regular feeding.

3. We don't have any subsidies...!

My association currently takes care of about sixty cats, spread over various sites. With my financial resources limited, it has become difficult to support additional sick cats in need...

I receive no subsidies and the burden of care has increased, particularly with a new feeding site to cover, following the death of the feeder. Your assistance in providing special food for the cats who need it would be invaluable!



Association Cat Miaou
375 rue du 19 mars 1962
30670 Aigues vives
FR France

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