Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 02/07/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
photo association

Canned food for Gaïa

Lesions, tears, crusts: poor Gaia has herpes!
photo association
Canned food for Gaïa
Lesions, tears, crusts: poor Gaia has herpes!

256 cans

256 cans

Lesions, tears, crusts: poor Gaia has herpes!

1. She has a wound near her mouth…

Gaia is a four-year-old cat who once lived on a car park. She developed herpes on all of her mucous membranes (eyes, mouth, and nose) and has numerous lesions that leave her with scabs and tears at the corner of her lips…

2. Canned food could help her healthily regain strength

Animonda's canned cat food would allow Gaia to replenish her energy without worsening her health. This food would likely help her regain some vitality by providing essential nutrients. It could also be an effective way to keep her hydrated.

3. A typhus epidemic has worsened our situation…

The situation of our association is fragile. We continue our efforts, despite the increasingly challenging financial difficulties...

A recent typhus epidemic forced us to launch a large-scale vaccination campaign, which significantly impacted our budget. We are currently taking care of about 150 cats, constantly straining our resources…

Association Association Pour la Protection des Animaux du Territoire Eyguières et ses Environs (A.P.A.T.E.)
Maison des associations
Boulevard Reyre
13430 Eyguieres
FR France

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