Thinness, mouth pain, inflammation: poor Bagheera has a calicivirus!
287,300 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
Vaka is a dog of over 12 years, who was found wandering in a village. She's deaf and has a dislocated paw, due to past mistreatment. This has made her extremely fearful...
With age and due to a lack of sufficient care, Vaka's dentition is in a rotten state. Poor dog is finding it harder and harder to chew her food!
Blankets would be a great help to keep Vaka's body warmth at night. She could get comfy on them and have a complete recovery! A little comfort after what she has been through would greatly console her...
Currently, our association manages roughly thirty needy felines. Even though we receive some donations and support from a shelter, the resources are still insufficient to cover all the care and food needed!
We do our best with the available means to continue our actions, but it's becoming more and more challenging...