Urgent! In Bosnia, Samira is running out of kibble to feed her shelter’s 80 dogs, they are going to starve!
287,300 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
Bel Œil is an elderly cat, with red, tearful eyes. He's dirty and has lost his appetite. We would like to take him for vet care, but he won't let us catch him...
Blankets would be greatly helpful to keep Bel Œil warm at night. He could settle in comfortably, recover fully, while he waits to get better.
Currently, our association takes care of about thirty cats in need. Even though we receive some donations and the support of a shelter, the resources are insufficient to cover all the care and food!
We do our best with the available means to continue our actions, but it's becoming increasingly complicated...