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Canned food for Tsuco

Inflamed gums, damaged teeth: poor Tsuco is having a hard time eating!
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Canned food for Tsuco
Inflamed gums, damaged teeth: poor Tsuco is having a hard time eating!

256 cans

256 cans

Inflamed gums, damaged teeth: poor Tsuco is having a hard time eating!

1. She needs to undergo surgery...

Tsuco is a young cat of about 10 months old, suffering from an enduring gingivitis. Her teeth are so badly damaged that they resemble those of an elderly cat!

Due to the inflammation, her gums are starting to atrophy... The vet will therefore have to proceed with a dental extraction.

2. With canned food, she could continue to regain strength

Once her teeth are extracted, Tsuco will need canned cat food to continue to feed properly. Moist and easy to swallow, such a diet would enable her to recharge her energy daily, to finish her growth under the best possible conditions.

3. Donations and adoptions are scarce...

With a low rate of adoptions and a consistently high number of street cats, our association is constantly on the edge!

Currently, we are caring for about thirty cats directly and additionally feeding forty free-roaming cats. The lack of donations is worsening the situation, jeopardising our ability to carry on our activities...

Association Association C.A.T.S. - Chat Animal Terrien Solidarité -
49 rue Claude Terrasse
75016 Paris
FR France

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