Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 04/07/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Lyl

Little Lyl was abandoned in the middle of the street, in a cardboard box!
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Canned food for Lyl
Little Lyl was abandoned in the middle of the street, in a cardboard box!

288 cans

288 cans

Little Lyl was abandoned in the middle of the street, in a cardboard box!

1. Left to fend for himself!

Lyl is a seven-week-old kitten who was found on the street, inside a box. Someone subsequently brought him to us for care. We have wormed and deflead him, and hope to find him a family soon.

2. Canned food would help him healthily grow

Specially-designed canned kitten food could be beneficial for Lyl. Suited to his nutritional needs, such food would support his ongoing growth. He could thereby grow healthily and easier to be adopted.

3. Few donations and adoptions...

With low adoption rates and an ever-high number of street cats, our organisation is constantly on a tightrope!

Currently, we are directly taking care of about thirty cats and also feeding another forty stray cats. The lack of donations exacerbates the situation, threatening our ability to carry on our activities...

Association Association C.A.T.S. - Chat Animal Terrien Solidarité -
49 rue Claude Terrasse
75016 Paris
FR France

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