Tumours, arthritis, loss of sight: Annabelle is getting old!
256 cans
256 cans
Mia, a seven-year-old cat, came to us with bilateral entropion. This problem was affecting his lower eyelids which were rolling inwards, rubbing against his cornea. The vet therefore operated on him.
Mia has since been recuperating. He still has discharge around his eyes as his post-operative wounds are healing.
Already weak from surgery, poor Mia has contracted an ear infection. The discomfort in his ears is a further drain on his energy…
Canned cat food could help Mia recover. High quality food that is rich in vitamins would allow him to regain his strength more quickly after everything he's been through!
Our difficulties have recently been exacerbated by the unexpected arrival of several cats requiring urgent care. Our number of residents jumped from 23 to 33 in a single day!
Despite a store collection, the resources gathered are still not enough to cover the growing needs in food, medical treatments and shelter for all these cats...