Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 08/07/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Titine

Emaciated and malnourished, poor Titine was thrown out of her home!
photo association
Canned food for Titine
Emaciated and malnourished, poor Titine was thrown out of her home!

256 cans

256 cans

Emaciated and malnourished, poor Titine was thrown out of her home!

1. She was turned out, after her owner passed away!

Titine is a 15-year-old cat, whose owner has passed away. We took her in two and a half months ago, after she was turned out of her home. The poor thing was malnourished and skinny, with many knots in her fur, as well as skin issues…

2. Canned food would help her regain better health

Canned food suitable for the needs of senior cats could help Titine to regain weight and improve her overall health. A specific diet for older cats would strengthen her immune system, facilitate her digestion and provide the necessary nutrients for her skin and fur…

3. We're overwhelmed with the number of abandonments…

We have started the kitten season, with many feedings and several sick cats to take care of. Abandonments are many, it never stops! This situation puts an enormous strain on our resources and our capacity to accommodate…

Association Les Pattounes de Théo
1 rue Philippe Mithouard
78360 Montesson
FR France
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