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Canned food for Souricette

Pelvic fracture, neurological after-effects, arthritis: poor little Souricette has fallen from the 9th floor!
photo association
Canned food for Souricette
Pelvic fracture, neurological after-effects, arthritis: poor little Souricette has fallen from the 9th floor!

256 cans

256 cans

Pelvic fracture, neurological after-effects, arthritis: poor little Souricette has fallen from the 9th floor!

1. She has been seriously injured and bears the scars...

Souricette is a nine-year-old cat who fell from the 9th floor onto grass. Rushed to the veterinarian in an emergency, she suffered a pelvis fracture and all of her paw digits were broken!

She also has a lot of arthritis when she walks. Not to mention that a brain haematoma related to the shock also left her with neurological aftereffects...

2. Canned food would provide her with valuable energy

Cans of vitamin-rich cat food would help Souricette regain her strength on a daily basis. She would therefore be in better shape to face the challenges that her handicaps present.

3. We’re in crisis!

Our association is striving to feed about 70 free-roaming cats and is supporting another 14 in foster homes, as well as running regular sterilisation campaigns.

Despite the small grants we have received, we are struggling to cover all our expenses... The decrease in donations, worsened by the current economic crisis, is severely affecting our ability to provide ongoing support to these animals in need!

Association Amour et Protection des Animaux
15, rue du Pasteur André Rivet
FR France

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