Separated from his mother too early, Noiraud has remained vulnerable...
192 cans
192 cans
Plume is a 16-year-old cat who had become aggressive and was losing weight. So, we took her in for tests which revealed that she suffers from hyperthyroidism, something she now needs to take medication for.
Plume has kidney failure. As her kidneys no longer effectively remove toxins from her body, she needs to take medication.
Plume also has rheumatism, which is causing her hindquarters to sag and making it difficult for her to walk.
Appropriate canned food could help to stabilise Plume's condition. A special diet could offer relief to her kidneys while allowing her to gradually gain weight. This could help her to regain her strength.
Recently, a lot of elderly cats have become ill... We've also had to take care of animals with pathologies, which means significant veterinary costs. We're struggling; it's never-ending!