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Canned food for Mya

Suffering from an illness, Mya had to be hospitalised several times...
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Canned food for Mya
Suffering from an illness, Mya had to be hospitalised several times...

288 cans

288 cans

Suffering from an illness, Mya had to be hospitalised several times...

1. She has serious health issues…

Mya is a young cat of 10 months that we took into our care following a seizure. She has had to be hospitalised several times since last autumn, as she is suffering from a disease transmitted by hens.

Her nose is constantly running, and she has pus around her mouth. She is currently on a new treatment, and will have to undergo a scan.

2. With canned food, she could replenish her energy

Cans of kitten paté would provide Mya with a vitamin-rich diet, ideal for regaining strength. Replenishing with good nutrients daily would bring her invaluable energy, while we wait for more information about her condition.

3. The abandonments don't stop…

In addition to the kittens we find outside, there are always a lot of abandonments. At the moment, there are 200 cats at the shelter and about thirty in foster homes... Donations and subsidies are not enough to cover all our costs!

Association L'école du Chat d'Ollioules Défense et Respect de la Vie Animale
927 chemin de la Poussaraque
83190 Ollioules
FR France

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