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Canned food for Touffu

Poor Touffu was born outside...
photo association
Canned food for Touffu
Poor Touffu was born outside...

6.06 cans

288 cans

2 days
left to succeed

Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?
Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?

Poor Touffu was born outside...

1. He will be weaned soon!

Touffu is a kitten of about 10 days old that we found in a garden with his mother where she found refuge to give birth. He is currently benefiting from maternal milk, but will soon need suitable food to continue his growth.

2. Canned food would provide the energy he needs

Kitten-appropriate canned food could aid Touffu in continuing his growth worry-free. Easy to consume, this kind of food would keep him well-hydrated while daily providing him with the vitamins and proteins that his body needs.

3. The arrival of kittens shakes everything up…

Financially, we were just beginning to lift our heads, but the first kittens are beginning to arrive... We currently care for 138 animals, which incurs numerous veterinary bills. Between donations not picking up and the lack of grants, the situation is very complicated!

Association A Pas De Chats
2 rue Victor Hugo
59494 Petite-Forêt
FR France

Product offered to Touffu

Barquette Animonda pour chaton - Vom Feinsten à la Volaille - 100 g

1.01 € TTC / cans

Nourriture humide pour chaton particulièrement délicieuse et facile à mâcher. Sans soja, sucre, ni céréales.

Poids net : 100 g

Composition : viande et sous-produits d'origine animale 63 % (20 % de volaille, porc, bœuf), minéraux. 

Protéine 10 %
Teneur en matières grasses 7 %
Humidité 80%
Cendres brutes 2 %
Cellulose brute 0,3 %

This product can be delivered in the following countries:France

Barquette Animonda pour chaton - Vom Feinsten à la Volaille - 100 g

Nourriture humide pour chaton particulièrement délicieuse et facile à mâcher. Sans soja, sucre, ni céréales.

Poids net : 100 g

Composition : viande et sous-produits d'origine animale 63 % (20 % de volaille, porc, bœuf), minéraux. 

Protéine 10 %
Teneur en matières grasses 7 %
Humidité 80%
Cendres brutes 2 %
Cellulose brute 0,3 %

This product can be delivered in the following countries:France

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