Poor Franklin was headed for the slaughterhouse!
287,300 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
Choupette is an 18-month-old cat who has a mouthful of abscesses due to calicivirus. The vet is about to perform a tooth extraction to help her, but she won't be able to chew anymore. As she's living outdoors, it will be very tricky for her to find food she can swallow...
A bundle of blankets would provide a cosy and comfortable spot for Choupette to settle in. Not having to sleep directly on the wet and dirty ground would truly lift her spirits!
We're receiving a lot of kittens currently. About forty have arrived in just one month! We're planning to organise a collection at a store in a few weeks, but we're worried that with the crisis, people might not donate much...