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Pellets for Lola

Feet inflammation, abscesses, weight loss: poor Lola has Cushing's disease...
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Pellets for Lola
Feet inflammation, abscesses, weight loss: poor Lola has Cushing's disease...

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Feet inflammation, abscesses, weight loss: poor Lola has Cushing's disease...

1. She has Cushing's disease!

Lola, a 27-year-old pony, is grappling with several significant health problems. Notably, she suffers from laminitis, causing a painful inflammation in her feet that hinders her ability to walk.

She has also lost weight and frequently develops abscesses. All these symptoms are indicative of Cushing's disease, a common endocrine disorder in older horses...

2. Specialised pellets can help sustain her

For a pony in Lola's condition, specially formulated pellets could be particularly beneficial. Tailored to her specific nutritional needs, they would aid in stabilising her weight and supporting her endocrine system, by providing balanced and easily digestible nourishment.

3. Nearly a hundred animals are counting on us!

We have recently welcomed a large number of animals requiring extra care, owing to recent weather conditions.

Managing 38 equines, about ten cows, and around forty sheep, in addition to other farm animals, has necessitated a significant increase in our food and logistical needs. Our budget has been directly affected: we're short of funds!

Association Equi-Libre : Droit à la Retraite Equine
1056 route de barjac
Quartier la blaquette
30760 Le Garn
FR France
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