Emaciation, sneezing, purulent eye discharge: the poor Kitten was found with a severe case of cat flu!
256 cans
256 cans
Choupette is a one-and-a-half-year-old cat who has a mouthful of abscesses due to calicivirus. Her vet will soon perform dental extractions to relieve her but she will no longer be able to chew. As she lives outdoors, it will be extremely difficult for her to find food that she can swallow…
Cans of cat food would benefit Choupette by providing easy-to-eat, moist nutrition. This would enable her to stay well hydrated whilst regaining strength, helping her to overcome daily challenges.
We're taking in a lot of kittens right now. About forty arrived in just one month! We're planning on holding a collection in a pet store in a few weeks time, but we fear that due to the ongoing crisis, donations may be scarce…