Aged and visually impaired, Vulcan lives outdoors...
256 cans
256 cans
Mimine is a 16-year-old cat who was kicked out of her home following the death of her mistress, as the rest of the family did not want to take her in. As she is blind and struggles to move around, we took her under our wing to save her from being put down.
Senior canned cat food would provide Mimine with a diet that meets her nutritional needs. Receiving a daily dose of nutrients would help her to stay healthy and enjoy a peaceful old age.
Our association mainly cares for older cats, which results in high veterinary costs. We used to receive support from the RSPCA, but when they drastically reduced their aid to all associations we were left to fend for ourselves...
Now, we find ourselves in dire straits, caring for around 50 cats in our shelter and over a hundred outdoors... Our budget doesn't stretch far enough to take care of all of them!