Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 25/07/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Noiraud

Diabetic, Noiraud suddenly lost all his fur and lost a lot of weight!
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Canned food for Noiraud
Diabetic, Noiraud suddenly lost all his fur and lost a lot of weight!

192 cans

192 cans

Diabetic, Noiraud suddenly lost all his fur and lost a lot of weight!

1. He has diabetes...

Noiraud is a 14-year-old cat who started to lose all his fur last winter. As he had also considerably lost weight, we had him undergo some tests. It turns out that he's diabetic and would need a special diet.

2. Suitable canned food could help him regain strength without risk

Canned cat food specifically designed for diabetic cats could give Noiraud a chance to healthily regain his strength. By regulating his blood sugar, such food would help stabilise his condition.

3. We no longer have the aid that we used to receive...

Our association primarily takes care of elderly cats, meaning a lot of veterinary expenses. In the past, we were supported by the RSPCA, but their aid has ceased as they have drastically cut support for all associations...

We now find ourselves in the red, with about fifty cats in the shelter and more than a hundred to feed outside... We do not have enough budget to take care of all of them!

Association Association "Les chats de chez nous"
N°35 cité des oliviers
FR France

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