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Canned food for Katana

Runny nose, healing difficulties, respiratory issues: being an FIV carrier, Katana has a very fragile health!
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Canned food for Katana
Runny nose, healing difficulties, respiratory issues: being an FIV carrier, Katana has a very fragile health!

256 cans

256 cans

Runny nose, healing difficulties, respiratory issues: being an FIV carrier, Katana has a very fragile health!

1. He was seriously injured...

Katana is a roughly 10-year-old tomcat that tested positive for FIV, and we found him with his nose and upper lip split open. Consequently, we treated him and made room for him in the shelter. Regrettably, as soon as he hisses, the wound reopens...meaning he's had to be stitched up on several occasions.

2. He's unwell!

Katana experiences recurring bouts of cat flu. During these periods, he starts to sneeze and struggles to breathe, requiring antibiotic treatment.

3. With canned food, he could regain his strength

Canned paté could provide Katana with a vitamin-rich diet, perfect for regaining strength on a daily basis. As it's a moist food, it wouldn't risk aggravating his mouth injury. That means it would serve as a safe way for him to regularly replenish his nutrients!

4. The abandonments don't stop...

On top of the kittens we find outdoors, there are always an overwhelming number of abandonments. Currently, there are 200 cats in the shelter and about thirty in foster care...Donations and subsidies are not enough to cover all our expenses!

Association L'école du Chat d'Ollioules Défense et Respect de la Vie Animale
927 chemin de la Poussaraque
83190 Ollioules
FR France

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