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Blankets for Mango

Loss of appetite, thinness, apathy: poor Mango has FIP!
photo association
Blankets for Mango
Loss of appetite, thinness, apathy: poor Mango has FIP!

60,097 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

8 days
left to succeed

Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?
Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?

Loss of appetite, thinness, apathy: poor Mango has FIP!

1. He fell seriously ill!

Mango is an 8 year old cat who has Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), a severe disease caused by a virus. He completely stopped eating and lost a lot of weight (down to just 2.6 kg!). Thankfully due to a treatment, he's gradually improving, but remains in a fragile state…

2. Blankets would enable him to comfortably recuperate

A set of blankets would give Mango the warmth and comfort he needs during his convalescence. This would help him stabilise, while enhancing his quality of life throughout his treatment.

3. An epidemic is affecting the association's cats!

We have had a lot of sick cats, out of which about a dozen have died. Currently, we are battling an FIP epidemic on top of caring for 75 cats, many of whom are free-roaming. The healthcare and feeding of these cats far exceeds the capacity of our budget!

Association Les Chats de Cooper
50 rue Roland mariage
60120 Chepoix, Picardie, France
FR France
Contact the beneficiary

Product offered to Mango

Multicoloured fleece blanket 130 x 170

7.58 € TTC / m2
  • Ce plaid de haute qualité robuste - qualité 180 g/m²
  •  100% polyester et lavable à 30°C
  • Couverture très douce au toucher
  • Taille: 130 x 170 cm (une couverture fait 22 100 cm2)

This product can be delivered in the following countries:Îles Åland

Multicoloured fleece blanket 130 x 170

  • Ce plaid de haute qualité robuste - qualité 180 g/m²
  •  100% polyester et lavable à 30°C
  • Couverture très douce au toucher
  • Taille: 130 x 170 cm (une couverture fait 22 100 cm2)

This product can be delivered in the following countries:Îles Åland

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