Animal Webaction
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Pellets for Helga

Extremely thin and anaemic, Helga needs to be supplemented!
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Pellets for Helga
Extremely thin and anaemic, Helga needs to be supplemented!

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Extremely thin and anaemic, Helga needs to be supplemented!

1. She's lost a lot of weight!

Helga is a 22-year-old donkey, whom we took in when her previous owner could no longer keep her. She's extremely underweight, so we had a blood test done and discovered that she's anaemic...

2. Pellets would help her regain strength

Incorporating pellets into Helga's diet could have a positive impact on her health. Tailored to her specific nutritional needs, they could provide the vitamins she needs to regain her health.

3. We're overwhelmed!

We manage a total of 300 animals, and the logistical and financial challenges this presents are immense!

Our association is currently under pressure, especially as a result of adverse weather conditions exacerbating health problems in the donkeys...

Association Association Nationale Des Amis Des Ânes
66 Avenue de Lyon
63600 Ambert
FR France

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