Animal Webaction
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photo association

Pellets for Vagabond

Poor Vagabond is skeletal!
photo association
Pellets for Vagabond
Poor Vagabond is skeletal!

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Poor Vagabond is skeletal!

1. He's very thin...

Vagabond is a donkey we've just taken into care, as he was abandoned in an old field. Given his noticeable thinness, we've booked a visit to the vet for him, to establish his current state of health.

2. Pellets would help him quickly regain his strength

Including pellets in Vagabond's diet could have a positive impact on his overall condition. Tailored to his specific nutritional needs, they could assist him in gaining weight and healthily replenishing his energy.

3. We are swamped!

We manage a total of 300 animals, and the logistical and financial challenges this involves are immense!

Currently, our association is under significant pressure, especially due to the adverse weather conditions that exacerbate health issues in donkeys...

Association Association Nationale Des Amis Des Ânes
66 Avenue de Lyon
63600 Ambert
FR France

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