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Blankets for Tessa

Weakened by uterine cancer, Tessa has caught ringworm!
photo association
Blankets for Tessa
Weakened by uterine cancer, Tessa has caught ringworm!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Weakened by uterine cancer, Tessa has caught ringworm!

1. She has ringworm…

Tessa is a young one-and-a-half-year-old cat. After a blood test, it turned out that she was suffering from uterine cancer. To prevent the disease from spreading, the vet operated on her (hysterectomy).

2. She suffers from digestive problems!

Weakened, Tessa caught ringworm. She's losing her fur and spends her time scratching, which tires her out a lot. Unfortunately, the treatment for ringworm is causing her diarrhoea…

3. Blankets would provide her with a clean place to rest

A batch of blankets would provide a snug, cosy spot for Tessa to recover. Come autumn, she could snuggle up there to protect herself from the damp and draughts.

4. The association is in dire straits!

This year is proving very challenging, as we've had a lot of sick cats. Donations, sadly, have not picked up despite our pleas for help. Financially, we are heading for disaster!


Association Les Chats Libres Condom 32
32100 Condom
FR France

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