Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 23/08/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Joline

Joline was abandoned without water or food for 3 weeks!
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Canned food for Joline
Joline was abandoned without water or food for 3 weeks!

132 cans

132 cans

Joline was abandoned without water or food for 3 weeks!

1. She was left without food or water!

Joline is a 10-year-old dog who found herself in an empty flat following the death of her owner. Poor thing spent three weeks without food or water, drinking her urine and eating her waste! The neighbours finally reported her, after which we immediately took her in.

2. She underwent a major operation...

When she arrived, Joline was covered in infections on her face. She urgently had to have mammary tumours removed upon arrival!

3. Canned food would help her regain strength

Canned dog food would allow Joline to replenish her energy daily. Such food would help her keep in shape, and would bring a lot of joy following all the terrible trials she has gone through!

4. The situation is particularly difficult!

We carried out major rescues on the island of Reunion a while ago, which represented a lot of expenses. Due to a lack of budget, we had to stop taking in animals from outside the county.

The situation is difficult, which is why we need help to provide suitable food for our resident animals in need...

Association Associaction "Pour que Vieux Rime Avec Heureux" (A.V.R.A.H.)
12 Chemin de Lliriu
FR France

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