Topaz has lost a lot of weight...
288 cans
288 cans
Emma is only two months old, barely tipping the scales between 500 to 600 grams. She was recovered in a pitiful state, after being reported by another organisation.
Currently suffering from cat flu, Emma has a fever, ulcers in her eyes, a runny nose, blocked airways and her eyes are stuck together. She was skin and bones when she arrived and she's still undergoing treatment with drops, ointments and antibiotics…
Canned kitten food would provide an easily consumable meal for Emma. It is appetising and moist, thus it would help boost her weakened immune system. Gradually, she should gain some weight and get stronger.
We've been looking after a huge number of kittens in recent weeks, representing a significant workload!
Most of them arrive in terrible health and need intensive care... We urgently need appropriate meals to help them recover!