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Blankets for Bella

Mouth ulcer on the tongue, inflamed gums... Bella has a calicivirus!
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Blankets for Bella
Mouth ulcer on the tongue, inflamed gums... Bella has a calicivirus!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Mouth ulcer on the tongue, inflamed gums... Bella has a calicivirus!

1. The inside of her mouth is inflamed!

Bella is a cat of around eight years old. She has a calicivirus, due to which she has developed a large aphthous sore on her tongue, making it hard for her to eat. The disease is not going away, despite treatments!

2. With blankets, she would be warm this winter

A set of blankets would help keep Bella warm when winter comes. Helping her to maintain her body heat more efficiently, they would allow her to have a more restorative rest, therefore increasing her chances of recovering from the disease.

3. Our resources are very limited...

We encounter many cases of calicivirus among the cats we care for. With around forty moggies to manage, we try to make collections, but life has become hard for everyone! Resources are limited while the needs increase...

Association L'Arche de Maddy
5 Coutron Nord
33113 Saint-Léger-de-Balson
FR France

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