Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 23/08/2024, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Pellets for Negus

Elderly, Negus has dental problems that hinder him from eating properly!
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Pellets for Negus
Elderly, Negus has dental problems that hinder him from eating properly!

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Elderly, Negus has dental problems that hinder him from eating properly!

1. He struggles to eat...

Negus is a 21-year-old horse that we saved from the slaughterhouse as his owner no longer wanted him. He is ageing and has dental issues, which make chewing hard and increase the risk of him developing food impactions.

2. Pellets would help him stay healthy

Pellets could aid Negus to regain strength more easily. We would moisten them to avoid the risk of Esophageal obstruction. This would provide him an opportunity to replenish nutrients, despite his dental issues.

3. Donations are too sporadic!

The cost of hay is rising! Most of our horses are elderly and need supplements. Our meagre pensions, unfortunately, do not suffice to keep the association's budget afloat. We have to choose between certain care and food, which is why we call for your help…

Association Association "La Retraite des Chevaux des Causses"
Le domicile à livrer
Hauts de Cantalaures, Chemin de Clairac
FR France

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