Incontinence, thinness, missing teeth: Isis needs suitable tinned food!
287,300 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
Spike is a kitten barely a month old, found in a garden with his mum. He has worms, fleas and hasn't been weaned yet... So, we've taken him in, to help treat his infestations.
A bunch of blankets could provide Spike with a source of warmth and comfort during his rest periods. This would help him feel secure and recuperate efficiently, boosting his overall well-being.
We've stopped rescues, but we've still had to take in animals, particularly two females and 9 kittens.
That's a lot of extra mouths to feed! Membership is down as people have less disposable income. Meeting the needs of the 45 cats relying on us is getting increasingly difficult...