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Canned food for Baline

Emaciation, urea, loss of appetite: poor Baline is not doing well!
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Canned food for Baline
Emaciation, urea, loss of appetite: poor Baline is not doing well!

256 cans

256 cans

Emaciation, urea, loss of appetite: poor Baline is not doing well!

1. She is in shock!

Baline is an 8 year old cat, who was abandoned at a feeding site. Being stranded on the street was emotionally traumatic for her, to the extent that when we took her in, she remained hidden under furniture, not eating for several days!

2. She's not doing well...

When taken to the vet, Baline was in a critical state with urea (insufficient degradation of toxins in her body), but luckily, her kidneys are in good condition. On the other hand, she has lost a lot of weight and lost her appetite...

3. Canned food would help her regain energy

Canned wet food would be beneficial for Baline, as they are appetising and easy to digest, which could help stimulate her appetite and provide her with the nutrients needed to regain weight. It would also be a good way for her to replenish her energy, to regain better health.

4. Kittens are always very numerous!

At the moment, we're receiving no donations or adoptions. Therefore, we still have many kittens from last year that have grown up... Financially, it's tough, as we have many cats to look after!

With the new kittens that are going to be coming in, the situation is only going to get worse. In this situation, we're unsure how we're going to be able to purchase the specific food required for the cats that need it!

Association Association C.A.T.S. - Chat Animal Terrien Solidarité -
49 rue Claude Terrasse
75016 Paris
FR France

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