Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 23/08/2024, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Pellets for City

Eye ulcer, loss of muscle mass… City needs supplementing!
photo association
Pellets for City
Eye ulcer, loss of muscle mass… City needs supplementing!

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Eye ulcer, loss of muscle mass… City needs supplementing!

1. Decline with age...

City is a 37-year-old mare, we rescued her and her mother from slaughter. She is currently suffering from an eye ulcer and she has lost a lot of muscle mass over time.

2. Pellets could help her regain strength

Pellets could help City regain strength on a daily basis. Since she doesn't move as much as before, this would be a good way to prevent her from weakening too much. To be able to replenish her daily vitamin intake would be of great support!

3. Donations are too sporadic!

Hay is becoming more and more expensive! Our horses, mostly elderly, need to be supplemented. Unfortunately, our meagre pensions aren't enough to keep the association's budget afloat. We must choose between certain medical care and food, that's why we are calling on your help...

Association Association "La Retraite des Chevaux des Causses"
Le domicile à livrer
Hauts de Cantalaures, Chemin de Clairac
FR France

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