Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 30/08/2024, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Canned food for Jager

Hit by a car, Jager suffered multiple fractures and had to undergo surgery...
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Canned food for Jager
Hit by a car, Jager suffered multiple fractures and had to undergo surgery...

256 cans

256 cans

Hit by a car, Jager suffered multiple fractures and had to undergo surgery...

1. He's been in a severe accident!

Jager is a 5-year-old cat who was hit by a car. He suffered multiple fractures to his shoulder blades and shoulders, as well as a displacement of the heart and lungs. After ten days in hospital and a major operation, he's just beginning to walk again...

2. Canned food could help him recover

Canned food would provide Jager with a rich and easy-to-eat diet, crucial for his recovery. It would help him regain his strength and reach a healthy weight more quickly. Having such a tasty diet would be a great comfort to him after what he has been through!

3. There are so many kittens!

We have done a lot of neutering, but we are still finding wild kittens. At the moment, we're caring for around 60 animals! Resources and donations are insufficient to cover all the needs...

Association Univers Libre
1270 route du Luc
83660 Carnoules
FR France

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