Constant watering of the eyes, runny nose, fatigue: poor Blanco has a serious case of cat flu!
287,300 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
Lana is a cat of about two years old, found with her four kittens on an old farm. She is still nursing them, but she is becoming increasingly thin and tired... We are therefore looking for a foster family for all of them.
A bundle of blankets would give Lana and her kittens a comfortable spot to settle down. She would be protected against the cold and could fully rest to regain her strength and health.
Our newly formed association is striving to help animals in distress.
In addition to significant veterinary expenses, we desperately need food and blankets, as well as visibility to attract memberships, sponsorships, foster homes and adopters. Therefore, we need your support!