Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 29/08/2024, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Canned food for Tila

Disabled, Tila can no longer jump!
photo association
Canned food for Tila
Disabled, Tila can no longer jump!

256 cans

256 cans

Disabled, Tila can no longer jump!

1. She's got a pelvic injury!

Tila is a one-year-old cat that we found in the forest. She was skinny and covered in ticks! We took her in, identified her, and had her spayed.

Unfortunately, Tila suffers from a disability tied to an accident that injured her pelvis. She can no longer jump and experiences balance issues... Additional tests are upcoming to learn more.

2. Canned Food would Help Her Regain Strength

Protein-rich food would be perfect for Tila. Easy to eat and appetizing, such canned food would allow her to gradually regain weight. Having access to such high-quality and nutrient-rich food would be a significant help in her daily life!

3. Over 80 Tomcats Need our Help!

There are an excessive number of cats to look after and not enough room to welcome them all! Between those at the association and those in a secured enclosure, we are utterly overwhelmed...

Association Au Rendez-vous des Animaux
192 chemin du château
06640 st jeannet
FR France

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