Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 27/08/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Kibble for SOS 100 chats des rues !

SOS! In Châteauneuf-les-Martigues, Rose Marie has almost no kibble left to feed the 100 street cats who need it... the poor risk starving to death!
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Kibble for SOS 100 chats des rues !
SOS! In Châteauneuf-les-Martigues, Rose Marie has almost no kibble left to feed the 100 street cats who need it... the poor risk starving to death!

1,000 kg
Dry food offered

1,000 kg
Dry food necessary

1. In France, Rose Marie has no kibble left to feed the 100 free cats who rely on her... The poor cats might starve if no one helps!

"It's getting worse and worse... There are fewer and fewer donations and more and more animals to feed! We’re buying low-quality kibble, but even doing that, we're unable to build up a decent stock!

Yet, a hundred stray cats depend on us, spread across about fifteen feeding sites. They’re no longer getting enough to eat because we have to ration them. Right now, we barely have enough to last a week!

The cats are already losing weight, and I’m afraid they’ll get sick from the lack of kibble. They’ll start scavenging in trash bins and might be poisoned by malicious people... We absolutely need this delivery to keep feeding them and prevent that from happening!"

2. Decline in donations and memberships... the association is experiencing an unprecedented financial crisis!


"We’ve been experiencing a significant drop in donations since last year, and this year it's really like a desert—we can’t even afford to pay the veterinarian!

We have fewer and fewer members. Our shopping cart collections aren’t doing well. We held a raffle recently and only raised 30 euros... We’re getting fewer donations because people don’t have the money!

The financial situation of the association is very precarious. The prices of kibble keep rising; I only have my salary to support the needs of the cats, and there are only five of us in the association... We’re putting a lot of our own money in, but unfortunately, our resources are neither sufficient nor inexhaustible!"

3. Weakened and wounded, Prince struggles to survive: he urgently needs kibble!

"Prince is around 4 years old. We found him not long ago, with blood around his mouth... He must have been in a fight and has an abscess. His eyes are runny, and one is half-closed; he’s really not in good shape!

He is weak, his fur is dirty... he needs to be nursed back to health. But without kibble, it's a lost cause: he won't be able to regain his strength, and we won't be able to gain his trust or take him to the vet for the care he desperately needs!"

4. Rose-Marie isn't asking for money, she only needs kibble to prevent the street cats from starving.

"I have been dedicated to animal welfare for 6 years now. Every day, I spend several hours feeding, catching, and caring for animals, on top of my job.

I no longer have time for leisure; everything has become secondary because the cats come first. It’s exhausting, but it’s essential because many cats rely on us!

Although we are few volunteers and our resources are limited, we have managed to sterilize more than 600 cats since the association was founded in 2019. This is a great source of pride for us!"

5. Animal Webaction can deliver kibble to help the association's cats!

6. Campaigns launched on Animal Webaction often fail. 

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Sending kibbles

The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf


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Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for over 13 years

Association Castel Cats
bt E le jaume, bd armand audibert
FR France

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