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Blankets for Baroudeur

Baroudeur had to have all his teeth removed!
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Blankets for Baroudeur
Baroudeur had to have all his teeth removed!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Baroudeur had to have all his teeth removed!

1. He's had an operation…

Baroudeur is a cat of around 14 years old, found at one of our feeding spots. As he seemed to be in poor shape, we took him to the vet.

It turns out that the roots of his teeth were entering his sinuses! The vet therefore had to carry out a complete dental extraction. Baroudeur is currently recuperating, under antibiotic treatment...

2. Blankets would help keep him warm while he's recovering

With blankets, Baroudeur would be comfortably settled to recover from his operation. In this way, he could rest completely and regain his strength more rapidly!

3. These are particularly difficult times financially…

Several animals in our care have health issues, resulting in substantial costs. Between the arrival of new kittens and our 200 animals to tend to, we are struggling to make ends meet financially!

Association Au Bonheur des Chats Libres
Bp 61352
25006 Besancon cedex
FR France

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