Poor Huguette was going to end up in the slaughterhouse!
256 cans
256 cans
Charmer is a cat of about six years old, whom we found starving after he had been abandoned. He's not eating, is suffering from severe diarrhoea and is covered in parasites. As he's incredibly shy, we haven't been able to catch him to give him the medical care he needs yet...
Canned cat food could provide Charmer with tempting and easily digestible nutrition. This could stimulate his appetite and improve his general nutritional condition, helping him to slowly regain his strength. It could also be an effective way to get close to him to provide the necessary treatment.
We're receiving fewer and fewer donations and having to look after an increasing number of cats, as the summer is a time of abandonment and births. Many of our cats are ill or injured, which results in numerous veterinary costs! Not to mention we now have two additional feeding sites to cover...