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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 05/09/2024, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Canned food for Brindille

Twig lost half of her teeth due to a calicivirus!
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Canned food for Brindille
Twig lost half of her teeth due to a calicivirus!

256 cans

256 cans

Twig lost half of her teeth due to a calicivirus!

1. She’s struggling to eat and losing weight…

Brindille is a female cat of around 11 years old, whom we recently took in. Unfortunately, she has calicivirus. Her gums are severely inflamed, to the point where the vet had to remove half of her teeth to alleviate her pain.

She's also suffering from ulcers which greatly affect her ability to eat. As a result, she's lost weight, despite the treatments…

2. Canned food would help her regain strength effortlessly

Wet canned food would provide Brindille with a nutritionally balanced diet that's easy for her to consume and gentle on her ulcers. Packed with essential vitamins and proteins, such a diet would help her regain her strength and weight!

3. Our stocks are running out at an alarming rate!

We're dealing with complex cases of kittens with ringworm and numerous adult cats suffering from calicivirus.

Our food reserves are depleting quickly, and donations are not coming in as expected. Your support is needed more than ever as the high veterinary costs are putting us under further strain. We're at a loss as to what to do!

Association Boules d'amour
1 les gourdins
33910 Bonzac
FR France

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