Poor Cracotte was going to be left to fend for herself!
192 cans
192 cans
Poly is a three-year-old cat who recently gave birth to eight kittens. Nursing them is requiring a great deal of energy from her… and on top of that, she's also suffering from regular bouts of vomiting, which are draining her even more!
Canned food, specifically designed for gastrointestinal issues, would provide Poly with an easily digestible moist food. This would allow her to replenish nutrients and regain better health. Tending to her kittens would then become easier!
We're receiving fewer and fewer donations yet we need to care for an increasing number of cats, as summer is a period of abandonments and births. Many of our cats are ill or have been in accidents, which results in numerous veterinary costs! Add to this, we now have two additional feeding sites to cater for…