Animal Webaction
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Pellets for Uska

Uska's former owner blinded her!
photo association
Pellets for Uska
Uska's former owner blinded her!

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Uska's former owner blinded her!

1. Her sight is almost gone...

Uska is a 17-year-old mare we took in following a seizure. Her previous owner had damaged her eyes with a fence post! Now, she's blind in one eye and has poor visibility in the other...

2. Pellets could help her regain strength

A palatable diet such as pellets would be most suitable for Uska. She could replenish her daily supply of vitamins and minerals, to improve her overall condition. After what she’s been through, this would be a real relief for her!

3. We lack the budget to feed our wards...

We currently care for dogs, cats, and farm animals. This includes 40 goats, 20 sheep, 3 foals, 3 dogs, and 6 cats. Sadly, our food supplies are almost depleted!

Association Refuge L'éco Sauvetage
43 rue des regardelles
84100 Orange
FR France

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